Vessagiriya forgotten murals - Anuradhapura, Unesco World  Heritage Site

Vessagiriya forgotten murals - Anuradhapura, Unesco World Heritage Site

The murals of present the Vessagiri Vihara (Temple) complex is considered one of the oldest murals found in Sri Lanka. They have belonged to the realistic tradition of art popularly known as the classical style. The classical style of art popular during the first millennium CE resembles the Anuradhapura period.

There are fragmented plasters of murals that remained on the rock surface of cave number 9 and 10 of the present Vessagiri site. The fragmentary outlines and patches of pigment of remained murals show female and male figures. The female figure is identified as a deity floating in the sky. The drawings are in the colours of faded red with touches of yellow, green and orange.

Have the Sigiri Frescoes and Vessagiri murals been done by the same artist?

The first archaeological Commissioner of Sri Lanka H.C.P. Bell (In the colonial era) has stated that the Vessagiriya murals must have been created during the kingship of King Kashyapa and the murals of Vessagiriya and the Sigiri Frescoes may have been created by the same artist or same school of art style during the same period.  His statement has based on his studies about the similarities of techniques and style of both murals.   

Is the present Isurumuni Vihara the actual one?

The veteran Sri Lankan scholars such as C.W. Nicolas, Dr Senarath Paranavitana and Leslie Gunawardena have stated that the ancient Isiramana (or Issarasamana in Pali or Isurumuni in modern Sinhala) Vihara is not the present Isurumuni Vihara. And the present Vessagiri Viharaya is the ancient Isurumuni Viharaya founded by King Devanampiyatissa.

According to the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon annual report 1906, Vessagiri Vihara is situated near the Issarasamana Vihara. Though it is doubtful with regards to the information in chronicle Mahawamsa, nobody questioned till the stone inscription found at present Vessagiriya site mentioning Isiramana.  Several stone inscriptions belong to the 3rd and 2nd century BC and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th centuries AD found at the present Vessagiri site mentioning the names as Isiramana, Issarasamana, Bo-Upulvan Kassapagiri and/or Kassubgiri. This was mentioned in the book “Ancient Anuradhapura” wrote by Prof.  Anuradha Seneviratna and published by the Archaeological Department, Sri Lanka.

According to the Mahawamsa exact location of the Vessagiri vihara was not cleared. Prince Aritta, the first ordinated Bikku in Sri Lanka and another 500 Bikkus ordinated from Arahat Mahinda Thero, dwelt Issarasamana Vihara. However, the 500 Bikkus belongs to Vaishya (commoners) cast who were ordinated by Arahat Mahinda Thero were dwelt in Vessagiri Vihara too. In the Sanskrit language, Vaishya means commoners and the Giri means rock. Therefore, Vessagiri means “the rock shelter for commoners”.

Ancient Vessagiri Vihara was not situated at the southern part of the Anuradhapura where the present Vessagiriya was located. According to the Mahawamsa when King Valagamba was escaping after his defeat from south Indian invaders in the city's northern suburbs, he took refuge in the Vessagiri forest. The opinion of Dr Paranavitana was the ancient Vessagiri Vihara would be at the area of Dambulla temple. However, that was not confirmed yet.

King Kashyapa’s connection

According to the ancient records, present Vessagiri Vihara or ancient Issarasamana Vihara get bestowed from various Kings. King Chandramukashiva (44-52 AD) donated a Wewa (tank). King Vasabh (65-100 AD) Constructed a Uposhatagara. King Voharikatissa (214-236 AD) built a wall around the temple. King Kashyapa (477-495 AD) reconstructed the temple and renamed it under his two daughters of Bhodi and Uppalavanna and himself as “Bo-Upulvan Kasupgiri”.

Ruins of present Vessagiri Vihara

The ruins of the present Vessagiri Vihara can be seen below the eastern dam of the Tissa Wewa (tank) at the vicinity of the present Isurumuni Vihara in the southern part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Anuradhapura. This cave monastery complex covers 20 acres with 3 small mountainous areas. The caves belong to the early Anuradhapura era and the ruined buildings belong to the late Anuradhapura era can be seen on this site.

The rocky mountainous area located northern part of the site has displayed methodical and symmetrical landscaping. The ruins of a quadrangle stupa can be seen at the highest point of the area. In the middle of the site, there are 23 caves that had been dedicated to Bhikkus. These caves are protected from the rainwater by drip ledges locally called “Katara”.  The short inscriptions indicated under the drip ledge of these caves expresses the names of the donors who prepared and dedicated it to Bhikkus.

The ruins of buildings constructed according to the traditions of “Pancavasa”, “Bodhighara” and chapter house can be seen. A rock-hewn staircase that goes towards the caves is another notable item of the site. This staircase can reach the top of the larger boulders that give the Anuradhapura UNESCO World Heritage Site panoramic views.

Oldest letters of alphabet found in Sri Lanka

Some stone inscriptions on this site belong to the 2nd -3rd century BC. Those are considered to be one of the oldest letters of the alphabet found in Sri Lanka.

Prehistoric evidence from the present Vessagiri Vihara site

The evidence of prehistoric settlement dated over 5,000 years has been found on an excavation done by the Central Cultural Fund in this site in 2006. That finding was brought about in accordance with the prehistoric finding of the lowest level of the Anuradhapura city excavation.

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