Traditional Sri Lankan indigenous medicine against Covid 19 coronavirus

Traditional Sri Lankan indigenous medicine against Covid 19 coronavirus

According to the worldometer website which provides real-time updates and statistics on Covid 19 coronavirus pandemic, 220,592,110 coronavirus cases and 4,566,223 coronavirus deaths were reported globally as of September 3rd 2021.

At present Sri Lanka is also experienced national wide lockdown due to overwhelmed hospitals, morgues and crematoriums from coronavirus infections.

However, according to the government source, no any Covid 19 patient had succumbed who had been treated at indigenous medicine hospitals in Sri Lanka. They have recovered successfully and speedily at these hospitals where they used indigenous medicine treatments for Covid 19 coronavirus patients. 

According to scientists, the coronavirus erodes the immune system of the human body. The Delta variant that affected the world today severely harm the Alveolar type-II cells in human lungs. That causes Covid-19 Pneumonia and carries a high risk of death.

Lack of preparedness of western medicine   

This Covid-19 virus attack revealed the lack of preparedness on the part of western medicine. The approach of western medicine tends to change the environment using conventional and evidence-based practices of drugs, surgeries, therapies etc. In contrast, eastern medicine or indigenous medicine does not change the environment but adapt to it.

Do not change the environment but adapt to it

The difficulty of changing the environment is proved by the present outbreak of the different variants of the Covid19 coronavirus. The coronavirus outbreak has taught us the lesson that we cannot change the environment. Instead, we have to adapt to it.

Having understood the universal fact of not changing the environment by force, a team of Sri Lankan western doctors and scientists have been able to develop a product to boost the human immune system and eliminate the virus from the affected body of the patients who are diagnosed with Covid 19.

Product to boost human immune system from Sri Lanka

Interestingly the components of this product have been derived from natural herbals found in Sri Lanka. Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), Ocimum sanctum, Garlic (Allium sativum), Acorus calamus and Justicia adhatoda are the main ingredients used for this product.

Though this product is not essentially rooted in the “Hela Wedakama”, or the indigenous medicinal system of Sri Lanka, the basics behind this product are as same as what we experience in the age-old “Hela Wedakama”. However, it comes in a modern outlook rather than either “Kashaya" or "Churna”, which means in the form of either liquid or gel.

Ancient traditional medicine in Sri Lanka

Mr T.M.C. Bandara, a cultural anthropologist and a member of traditional medicine family lineage, presently serving as an Exploration Officer in the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka has explained how ancient traditional medicine of Hela Wedakama or Deshiya Chikitsa was practice.

Hela Wedakama

According to him, the Hela Wedakama was an ancient wisdom tradition of healthcare and healing practices. It was a village-based local tradition combine with local community livelihoods. In ancient times there were no highly paid doctors as today. The medical practitioners might be a Buddhist monk, a farmer or a blacksmith of the village. He or She brings this knowledge of medicine from generation to generation on their family lineage. They did the medical practices as honorary services and no charge was claimed.

It is said that this ancient heritage of medicinal lore was originated at the time of Pulasthi Rishi, the great grandfather of the mythical King Ravana. From then onwards this medical lore was developed through our ancient agricultural civilization compatible with all livelihoods.

The ancient “Hela Wedakama” is mainly based on knowledge. It has started from the time when ancient people had ingested fruit or leaf from nature and experienced discomfort in their bodies. Then they had considered it to be unsuitable or poisonous for human beings.

Likewise, if ingestion makes the body ease, that fruit or leaf would have been considered favourable for humans. Similarly, according to “Hela Wedakama”, all the plants, fruits, and virtually everything in nature have been already identified as either favourable or poisonous to the human body. Due to its position near the equator, the high endemicity of biodiversity in Sri Lanka has favoured ancient Sri Lankan Hela Wedakama, Mr Bandara further added.

Robert Knox's Statement

This was clearly stated by Robert Knox in his book named “AN Historical Relation of the Island CEYLON IN THE EAST INDIA” who was a British captive in Sri Lanka for 20 years from 1660 to 1680 as “the Sinhalese were very knowledge in practical medicine and the forest was their medicinal treasure trove”. 

The “Hela Wedakama” considers the entire human body and its functions as a whole - one single unit. According to it, the body has made up of 5 main components. The imbalance of those 5 components causes what we call illness or disease. Therefore, it is more logical to treat the entire body as a whole. Here the different components are not treated separately as it is in western medicine. The main objective of the “Hela Wedakama” is prevention and cure by means of wellness of the person physically, mentally and spiritually.

Angam Pora martial art

Mr Bandara further stated that the ancient medicinal tradition of Hela Wedakama has close relation with an ancient traditional martial art called “Angam Pora”. The ancient Kings have given their fullest support to preserve and promote both those traditions.

However, after the British invasion in 1815 Angam Pora was outlawed and the traditional Hela Wedakama was neglected. They allow it to get natural decline by stopping government support and creating low esteem to Hela Wedakama.

First virus attack in Sri Lanka

Mr Bandara talking about the present Covid 19 coronavirus pandemic and stated that before the time of Queen Kusumasana Devi (also known as Dona Catarina) (1578-1613) virus attack was not reported in Sri Lanka. That is because our ancient people consume different plants, vegetables and fruits as their food that optimizing the immunity of the human body.

As we all know viruses are the most abundant microbes on the planet that you cannot see or feel. Millions of airborne viruses are wafting around us every day. If someone is infected by a virus his immune system spring into action. The white blood cells, antibodies and other mechanisms start to get rid of the virus from the body. If the immunity system is strong the effect of the virus gets minimize.  

As a result of foreign invasion, our local people get used to their food habits and neglected our traditional food habits. As a result, our people’s immunity becomes low and resulting in the first virus attack in Sri Lanka in 1613, Mr Bandara further explain.

Neglection of traditional food habits in Sri Lanka

According to our veteran anthropologist explanation, not only the present coronavirus outbreak but other major diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, cancers are caused due to neglect of our traditional food habits and traditional Hela Wedakama.

If you are willing to travel to Sri Lanka someday, hopefully, once the world will see better control of the coronavirus pandemic, we at FantAsia Tours will care for your mind, soul, body as well as wellness.

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Ayurveda, Panchakarma:

Sri Lankan Cuisines: