Polonnaruwa - Medieval capital – History of Sri Lanka

Polonnaruwa - Medieval capital – History of Sri Lanka

Polonnaruwa, located on the eastern side of the dry zone became the capital city of Sri Lanka after Anuradhapura was sacked in 982 AD by the south Indian invaders.

The ancient chronicle Mahavamsa has first mentioned Polonnaruwa on an incident during the kingship of King Upatissa Ist who built the reservoir called Topa Wewa at Polonnaruwa in the 4th century AD. 

Polonnaruwa has functioned as a temporary administrative centre from around the 7th century AD due to strong pressure that emerged from internal revolts and South Indian invasions to the capital of Anuradhapura. 

In 1017 AD the entire island came under the control of South India, which ruled the country for the next 37 years. They moved the capital city to Polonnaruwa due to strategic reasons after considering the vulnerability of attacks from both native Sinhalese and other South Indian kingdoms.

King Vijayabahu - I

The great Vijayabahu Ist defeated the south Indian king and recaptured the whole island. His coronation took place at the newly built palace in Anuradhapura. However, he chooses Polonnaruwa to establish the new capital of the country. 

The great King Vijayabahu I restored Buddhism to its former glory and was also responsible for economic regeneration. It is a proven fact that he was the founder of Sinhalese freedom and one of the great planners of Sinhala nationalism.

The Polonnaruwa era existed between 1017-1235 AD. The governing period of this time was about 218 years and 19 kings and queens ruled the country, choosing Polonnaruwa as the capital. 

King Parakramabahu - I

The most number of buildings in the ancient Polonnaruwa city was built by King Parakramabahu Ist. The king’s palace and his administration building based on an auditorium, the various religious buildings based on Alahana Pirivena (a medieval centre of learning for monks), the unique irrigation complex based on the sea of Parakrama, considered to be the largest of the man-made ancient reservoirs in the island, which waters the city as well as the surrounding plains and is in use even today and the Angammedilla Dam which together formed a complete city.

Polonnaruwa shows the interesting blend of the influence of south Indian, Hindu culture on the Sinhala Buddhist art and architecture in the scattered shrines and monuments still venerated daily by devotees.

The power struggle inside the country after the reign of King Parakramabahu I became confused. Only King NIssankamalla was able to stabilize the country during his period. No other powerful ruler could have successfully faced the inner power struggles and therefore there was no significant development after the reign of King Nissankamalla.

Collapse of Polonnaruwa 

A pirate named Magha, who came from South India, conquered Polonnaruwa in 1214 AD and executed many years of ruthless control over the island. The glory of the Polonnaruwa era was destroyed by this pirate and marks the end of the great Rajaratha civilization.

The ancient city of Polonnaruwa was one of the three cultural sites inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1982. A cycling tour is the best way to explore the Polonnaruwa world heritage site. The distance is approximately about 20 km on flat terrain in soft nature and takes 3 hours to complete.

Cycling tour in Polonnaruwa world heritage site

The ancient city of Polonnaruwa was one of the three cultural sites inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1982. A cycling tour is the best way to explore the Polonnaruwa world heritage site. The distance is approximately about 20 km on flat terrain in soft nature and takes 3 hours to complete.

Read more about:

Anuradhapura kingdom – History of Sri Lanka




Ancient city of Polonnaruwa, World heritage site


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