Best of Unawatuna

Best of Unawatuna

Unawatuna become the buzzword among travel enthusiasts around the world again because Lonely Planet has nominated it at the top in its 10 best beaches in Sri Lanka.

Unawatuna is a small fishing village just 5km southwest of the world-famous port city of Galle. The beautiful banana type curving sandy bay beach in Unawatuna is simply Sri Lanka’s best beach. It was ranked one of the ten best beaches in the world by the Discovery Channel some time ago too.

The double reef over the bay creates a natural pool at Unawatuna. Due to this natural pool, Unawatuna is popular for safe swimming and bathing. On a hot summer day if you want to take a relaxing dip in the cool water with your loved ones on the safest beach you have to go to Unawatuna.

You also can snorkel in the clear blue waters of the bay. It is a great place for surfing and diving. Or you can go fishing or snorkel out to sea by using the traditional catamarans dotting the beach. 

At the west end of the bay, the hillock called Rumassala is situated. The legendary of Rumassala is closely related to the epic Indian poem, the Ramayana, which is partly set in Sri Lanka. Hanuman, the monkey god was sent to the Himalayas to find some special medicinal herbs during the war between Rama and Ravana. But Hanuman forgot which herbs he needed and in desperation, he took a chunk of the mountains and twisted in his tail. On his way back, he dropped a piece of it at Unawatuna forming this hillock. Rumassala has a great variety of unusual vegetation and protected medicinal herbs not found anywhere else in the area, making this story seem mysteriously possible.

On the other side of the Rumassala hillock, a beautiful Jungle beach is situated. Jungle beach, again a bay beach nestled in a forest patch is one of the hidden gems on the south coast. It is ideal for swimming and snorkelling.

A Buddhist pagoda called the Japanese Peace Pagoda is located at the top of the Rumassala hill. From the Peace Pagoda area, you can see the stunning view of the bustling Galle town, Galle fort and coast. 

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