Ella rock

Ella rock

    Ella rock, a famous cliff located near the Kital Ella railway station would be a stunning place to hike. At the summit, the view of the surrounding landscape is panoramic. The hike is about 8 km long and will take 4 hours for the entire hike.

    Ella rock, a famous cliff located near the Kital Ella railway station would be a stunning place to hike. At the summit, the view of the surrounding landscape is panoramic. The hike is about 8 km long and will take 4 hours for the entire hike.

    Ella rock, a famous cliff located near the Kital Ella railway station would be a stunning place to hike. At the summit, the view of the surrounding landscape is panoramic. The hike is about 8 km long and will take 4 hours for the entire hike.