

    Batadombalena cave has yielded the evidence (at 37,000BP) of anatomically modern man in Sri Lanka referred to as “Balangoda Man”. The excavation done by Oxford University in 2015 revealed that isotopes in the Balangoda Man's teeth indicate a diet based on food exclusively from the rain forest.

    It is about 1 and half-hour’ hike up a jungle-covered mountain from Kuruwita to reach the cave which is located 15 km north of Ratnapura.

    Some people believe that Batadombalena would be the place called “Divaguhawa” which gave shelter to Lord Buddha and 500 monks following the visit of the supremely enlightened being to Adam's Peak in his 3rd visit to Sri Lanka. But that is not archaeologically proved.

    Batadombalena cave has yielded the evidence (at 37,000BP) of anatomically modern man in Sri Lanka referred to as “Balangoda Man”. The excavation done by Oxford University in 2015 revealed that isotopes in the Balangoda Man's teeth indicate a diet based on food exclusively from the rain forest.

    It is about 1 and half-hour’ hike up a jungle-covered mountain from Kuruwita to reach the cave which is located 15 km north of Ratnapura.

    Some people believe that Batadombalena would be the place called “Divaguhawa” which gave shelter to Lord Buddha and 500 monks following the visit of the supremely enlightened being to Adam's Peak in his 3rd visit to Sri Lanka. But that is not archaeologically proved.