Nalanda Gedige

Nalanda Gedige

    Nalanda Gedige is located in the Naula area, 35 km north of Matale. It is a Buddhist Image house constructed between the 8th and 10th centuries in a South Indian Hindu architectural style.

    A “Mituna figure” (couple) depicting an erotic scene placed among the other sculptures of the building recall our memories about the great temple at “Khajuraho” and “Konarak” in South India that extensively included such erotic figurines.

    Nalanda Gedige is located in the Naula area, 35 km north of Matale. It is a Buddhist Image house constructed between the 8th and 10th centuries in a South Indian Hindu architectural style.

    A “Mituna figure” (couple) depicting an erotic scene placed among the other sculptures of the building recall our memories about the great temple at “Khajuraho” and “Konarak” in South India that extensively included such erotic figurines.