Mahiyangana temple

Mahiyangana temple

    Lord Buddha has visited Mahiyanganaya nine months after his Enlightenment on a Duruthu full moon poya day as the first visit to Sri Lanka. He visited the country to settle the dispute between Yakka and Naga tribes who inhabited this area. The Yakka leader of the area named Sumana Saman (later become the god Sumana Saman) and his followers listen to the preaching of the Buddha and become the follower of Buddhism.

    As per the request of the people Buddha has given a handful of hair from his head to worship. Sumana Saman placed those in a golden casket and built the Mahiyangana stupa by deposited them. The original stupa was reconstructed over it 7 times.

    Lord Buddha has visited Mahiyanganaya nine months after his Enlightenment on a Duruthu full moon poya day as the first visit to Sri Lanka. He visited the country to settle the dispute between Yakka and Naga tribes who inhabited this area. The Yakka leader of the area named Sumana Saman (later become the god Sumana Saman) and his followers listen to the preaching of the Buddha and become the follower of Buddhism.

    As per the request of the people Buddha has given a handful of hair from his head to worship. Sumana Saman placed those in a golden casket and built the Mahiyangana stupa by deposited them. The original stupa was reconstructed over it 7 times.